Twin Monsters in Orre

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Twin Monsters in Orre Refers to the Three Spanish Dubs that aired in The Orre Region and its sub-regions

Orre's Volcanic Region got a Catalan Dub, the Forest region bot a Castillan Dub, and the Desert Region got a Latin Spanish Dub.

Name Changes

Though the Catalan and Castillan dub used names similar to the original Japanese version, the Latin Spanish dub went for a more Digimon Character Look-alike approach, as such, characters in season 1 were referred to the characters they looked like, this proved to be problematic in later episodes, as Daniel Kakaku said "Light Power" (光るの力)Characters after season two were referred to by translations of their original names.

Original Castillan Catalan Latino
Daniel Kakaku Danny Precio Daniel Preu Cody Hida
Hicarolyn Lunaria Lunaria Catherine
Rouse Kakaku Anciano Precio Vell Preu Chikara Hida
Pokémon Knights guerreros de Pokémon guerrers de Pokémon Pokémon del Destino
Hikaichita Yagami MiniDanny Precio Kata Kamiya Daniri (no last name given)
Yonoir/Dusknoir Dusknoir Dusknoir Dusknoir
Akumite Satanite Demonite Achimite
Digimon Kingdom reino de los 3 reyes regne fosc
Translation: Dark Kingdom
la Digiverse
The World of Darkness reino de las tinieblas regne de les tenebres la Digiverse/La Oceano de Tinieblas
Team Great Rocket equipo de gran cohete equip de gran coet equipo de gran cohete
Fuhrer 5000 führer 5000 führer 5000 führer 5000
Master 5 Maestro 5 mestre maig Maestro 5
Roman Shirotanko Roma Blanco-rosa Romeo Blanc-rosa Roman Blanco-rosa
Julia Shirotanko Julie Blanco-rosa Juliet Blanc-rosa Julia Blanco-rosa
Silver Biruricchi Argent Vilrich Silver Vilrich Argent Vilritch
Demonic Playground
Ko-Dan Danny Chila Daniel Chila KoDan