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Biographical information


Birth Unknown
Family Thrash (Son), Unnamed estranged wife.
Kaelyn P. Vanternass, The Magistra, The Scion (Grandchildren)

Time Lord

Physical description

Time Lord



Hair color


Eye color





Time Active



First Appearance

Early Years

Much of what is known of the early years of Noromasholshidamish is shrouded in mystery, as he purposefully had many of his records removed when he became the head of the CIA. What little can be found is through personal memories of family members and those who knew him. He was born into the house of Ulmanish, where he became obsessed with the political failings of the family. Discovering that many times members had been near to gaining positions within the higher echelons of Time Lord society but never quite making the cut, he decided to apply to the academy in order to bring glory to his family.

The Dronid Incident

During his time as a student at the academy, Time Lord society was disrupted when Cardinal Thorac, unhappy with certain developments in the government, proclaimed himself the true President of Gallifrey, moving himself and his followers to the planet Dronid. Thrilled with a possible chance of gaining glory for his house, Norom secretly made contact with one of Thorac's agents and began acting as a spy within the academy itself. However, Thorac's revolution soon ended as the High Council refused to recognize him and isolated the entire planet of Dronid by "ignoring it" from time. Forced back to the planet for judgement, Thorac abandoned many of his followers to their fates. While the tribunal could not prove Norom of any wrong doing, they placed certain restrictions on House Ulmanish, cutting off whatever power it once had. Norom would never forget this incident, it being one of the formations of later actions he would take.

Agent of the CIA

Graduating, Norom found himself courted by members of the Celestial Intervention Agency, who saw in him the necessarily deviousness to be an asset. The first assignments he was given was to drive out the remaining members of Thorac's conspiracy. While at first uncertain of betraying those who held his own views and that he had worked alongside, he soon began to realize the advantages in removing those who might pose a political problem for him in the organization. He would continue being active as an agent, quietly taking care of situations which others in the CIA normally would never handle. At the same time, however, he began to notice that others were being promoted ahead of him and realized that he was still considered somewhat of a political liability. Most galling of all was his forced partnership with a junior agent, Dr. Xadium. Time and time again, Norom would find himself forced to take on assignments under the supervision of the younger man, a fact which underneath his quiet exterior made his blood boil in rage.

The Uxarieus Incident

Things came to a head when Norom became aware of the theft of the files on the "Doomsday Weapon" of the planet Uxarieus while going through a general inventory with fellow agent Actus. Forced into a meeting with Xadium, their immediate supervisor, the three decided it was in the best interest of the CIA to utilize the Time Lord known as The Doctor in order to track down the culprit.

More Coming Soon

Norom's name in Gallifreyan