Jenn of Saturn

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Jennanya (Jenn for short)
Biographical information


Birth February 8 (Earth Calendar)
Family Keith (Husband), Prince Atrus (Son, Resurrected), Princess Kathryn (Daughter, Deceased), Princess Leona (Daughter, Resurrected), Prince Devyen (Son, Resurrected), Princess Aine (Daughter, Deceased), Princess Hotaru (Daughter, reborn as Tomoe Hotaru), Trenton (Fraternal Twin Brother), Elizabeth (Sister in law), Sean Collins (Nephew), Jayna (Saturnian Mother, deceased)

Retail Manager, Former Empress of Saturn


Jenn Kogane (Earth Name), Kinetica (Exile Name)

Physical description




Hair color


Eye color

Purple (Brown on Earth)




Energy Battle Glaive, Silence Glaive (Formerly)


Manipulation Silence and Energy Transformations and states


Queens of the Solar System, The Original Sailor Senshi

First Appearance

Early Life

Jennanya was the first born of fraternal twins to Empress Jayna of Saturn during a time of imbalance in The Sol System (Sol). Saturn's power and renown in Sol had grown exponentially, and they had spread their population to nearly all the 22 moons orbiting their empire. This expansion was seen as Saturn flaunting their power, and threatening to over-power all the other kingdoms, even out shine the Moon Kingdom as the central power of the Sol. While still holding peaceful relations with the other Outer kingdoms, the inner worlds started to muse and rumor about Saturn as a threat to their sovereignty and that of the Moon Kingdom overall. At the time, the tyrannical queen of the moon caught wind of these rumors, she approved of any movements to ensure her power and place at the center of the Sol.

The people of Earth, who at that time relied more on their artificial military power than harnessing their planetary power, decided to spearhead a movement to subdue the Saturnian expansion and bring them to heel. The inner courts, meanwhile, started to conspire to dethrone the reigning nobility of Saturn, and to try and reduce it to a regency to ensure Saturn and its power would be more humbled and controlled. Jayna and her court were completely unaware, as were their fellow outer worlds, celebrating the recent births of the new children in the court, and the prospects of the new generation. They foresaw only great prosperity for the empire and its people to come.

Much to their surprise, fleets of Terran warships were approaching their borders, and communications from the inner politicians started demanding that the royal court of Saturn be dissolved, and the nobility to surrender themselves to answer for their conspiracies. While this was an obvious act of war against Saturn, Jayna refused to answer to these demands, and tried to negotiate for answers to these actions from those who were supposed to be under the Outer's Protection, and their allies. Negotiations only ended in more accusations and demands from the inner politicians, trying to make Saturn's expansion and developments as acts of aggression against the inner worlds.

Knowing full well that the Silence could easily end the lives of these aggressors, Jayna did not wish to silence the entire collective of the inner worlds. Instead, she opted to meet the demands of the aggressors, and surrender herself and her court. To ensure the rest of her people would not rise up and revolt against the other worlds, Jayna decreed that they would prove they were loyal allies to the Sol, and not the power mongering monsters the inner courts were trying to portray them as. They would keep their nobility and honor, and answer to the demands given to them.

Jayna, not fully trusting the inner courts, or the current reigning moon queen, sent out a secret missive to ensure the royal house would remain preserved in secret, and allowed the infants of the court, including her own children, to be taken by a select staff of guards and maids to take the heirs off world and hide them from the inner courts. Jayna and her court members were taken before the tyrannical moon queen, under the guise that their regency could be negotiated. They were all separated and told they would plead their case individually to the moon queen, but were only executed once each member was isolated from the others, along with the family members that came with them, including any children. The moon queen, believing she had effectively culled the royal bloodlines of Saturn, selected a regent to rule over Saturn in place of the royalty, and felt content that her place and power in the Sol was safe and preserved. Unbeknownst to the moon queen, the children were those of the loyalest staff to the Saturnain Empire, who sought to protect the future heirs and the Empress's plan.

In Exile

The infant heirs and fellow court noble children were cleverly hidden and raised on Earth, as the terrans were not so developed with their planetary powers, and were not really able to sense or detect the powers of the other Sol species. Their heritage was kept hidden from them to ensure the children would grow up and remain undiscovered by the humans or the rest of the Sol inner kingdoms. Raised in the human culture, the care takers were doing their best to conceal the royal children and their developing powers. Unfortunately, the care takers were inexperienced with teaching control over the empowered abilities, and as the youths started to reach their maturity, their powers started to have accidental outbursts, and eventually, the terrans took the youths into military custody for study and containment. While the terrans could discern that the youths they collected were not of human descent, they could not identify where in the Sol they may have originated. Classified as illegal inhabitants, and unable to deport them to any other planet, the terrans decided to utilize these unknown alien children and exploit them for their abilities. They started training the youths in isolation, having them undergo intense trials to hone and control their powers, and slowly molding them into weaponized soldiers. The terran military planned to use them to undermine the other worlds in the Sol, so that the balance of power would finally tip in Earth's favor.

But the youths started to become restless, and wise to the plans of the terrans. They started to refuse orders, and even rebel and lash out at their captors and trainers. They didn't want to be used as weapons and desired freedom. The terrans tried many ways to try and control them, to force them into submission, but this only caused them to retaliate further, breaking each other free of any restraints or devices set upon them. Eventually, the high command of the Terran military ordered that their project to use the youths be abandoned. They are becoming too dangerous, even for Earth, and they didn't want the other worlds to detect what they were originally planning to do. They devised a plan, to issue orders for the youths to be sent on a "rescue mission" to an outpost in the asteroid belt. The mission was accepted, as the youths believed they were going to use their abilities and skills to do some good. Instead, once they were in their cryo units, the terran command had them placed in a ship and sent on a course with no end destination. The ship stealthily flew through the sol, beyond the outer worlds, and out into the unknown reaches of space.

Assuming the Throne

The Fall


General Information

  • Favorite Earth Food: Venison

Least Favorite Earth Food: Beets
  • Favorite Activity: Martial Arts/Playing the Violin

Least Favorite Activity: Drawing
  • Earth Part Time Job: Retail Manager

Relationships with other Royals

  • Maia of Mercury - Hates the fact that she keeps so many secrets, but appreciates her knowledge
  • Aphrodite of Venus - Thinks she is nice, but unsure why she can't keep up a conversation?

  • Veruka of Uranus - Disagrees on her definition of "Art", but gets along just fine.