The Society of the Golden Crescent
Principal Members
- Kaito Hayashi a.k.a "The Great Healer" (founder)
- Takahashi Renji (personal bodyguard to Kaito)
- Yuki Sakuraba a.k.a. Ninsi'anna (First Member)
- Haruki Tanaka (Third in Command)
- Mizuki Aya (Fourth in Command)
- "Konshu" (Fifth in Command)
Inner-Circle Members
This group consists of hundreds of "reincarnates" of Queen Serenity's inner court. Anyone who was reincarnated from or hails from the Silver Millennium that joins automatically enters the group at this level.
Outer-Circle Members
"Regular" people with no connection to the Silver Millennium that have joined because they believe in the goals of the Society- to do right by others via mutual aid and, through their actions, correct the structural deficiencies that exist in modern dystopian-leaning society.
A lot of people joined after hearing of the good works of Healing Haven on the news, with many more joining after the immensely popular Yuki Sakuraba began speaking about its tenets, with a lot of people coming to the Society through her fan club.
On August 19th, 2019, the entrance to Greenstone Manor was destroyed by a car bomb; inside the wreckage was a warning from "The Society of the Golden Crescent" stating the following:
"This was a warning. Cease your lies.We are the TRUTH. Society of the Golden Crescent."
While attempting to scry for mote information about the organization, Eitak Razal was stopped by a massive psionic block that projected an image of a golden crescent similar to the one worn by Princess Serenity.
In a perhaps-related incident, Torchwood Japan reported that a mad who had been missing from his home since June 30th had been found in Tokyo Bay with burn marks on the center of his forehead.
On August 21, working with Ema Skye, Matsuo discovered that the victim was wearing hand-made reproductions of robes worn by lower level acolytes on the Moon during the time of the Silver Millennium. The robes, however were made out of a cheap cotton, not the same materials that would've been found on the Moon at that time. Matsuo and Ema also determined that it was highly likely the victim was wearing a signet on their forehead that might have been a crescent moon similar to that worn by those attached to the lunar kingdom, even though according to Matsuo, the signet should not have been destroyed by the burning damage that was taken to the victim's head. This indicated to both Ema and Matsuo that they were dealing with someone simulating Moon kingdom clothing and equipment without having access to the real items.
Additionally, the card that was left behind at Greenstone Manor was handcrafted from homemade paper and custom ink, preventing it from being traceable by the forensics lab. Ema commented that this seem to indicate whoever did it really did not want to be found.
Ema and Matsuo went to the victim's apartment and found it filled with garbage- it seemed to be bereft of any personalization or decorations, however there were indications that these had been recently removed.
Checking the victim's computer, they found him subscribed to several Facebook groups, most of which were very unsavory, in addition to one called "FullMoon."
Using a fake account, Matsuo was able to gain access to the group, and discovered that there was a variety of people in the group, each of whom had discarded their real identities and assumed fictitious names ending in "Moon", with first names usually being a ridiculous lunar-related pun.
The members of the group all seem to dress identically, in the same handmade lunar robes, and they had all shaved their head bald, as well as removing their eyebrows, in addition to wearing replicas of the lunar signets on their foreheads. They all seemed very eager for "divine" healing that could be dispensed by "his light", and "the power of moonlight". In the discussion threads there was a lot of talk of "moon miracles" and "healings" and of "a secret origin of mankind which is now revealed by His Light."
Everything on the group was very homespun and low produced, indicating that the members of the group generated their own content, not being handed it by someone else with very many resources.
They also discovered that the group was having "purification baths" under the moonlight every full moon since the "advent" on June 30. They also discovered that there is going to be a special "benefaction" event on August 23.
There is, however, no information in the group about who the leader of this group might be, and they are still looking for more information.
With the next purification Bath set to happen on September 14, the duo are considering RSVPing for the benefaction event on the 23rd, and will use the fake account that Matsuo set up to get more information from the Facebook group.
At some point, one member of the Golden Crescent helped to bankroll the resurrection of the royals of the silver millennium, who ultimately were used for slave labor. How much said member knew about this is unknown.
Ema and Matsuo were not able to find out any information as the gathering on the 23rd failed to happen... and so the case went cold.. until the night of Valentine's Day 2023, when another dead body with a burnt crescent moon in their forehead was found...
The cold case heats up again
Again, nothing could be discovered as the body of the victim went missing. After travelling with INTERPOL for the better part of the year, Ema Skye returned to The HOTEL on December 14th, 2023 as another body with crescent moon burns on their forehead washed up in Tokyo Bay, with the body vanishing shortly thereafter.
On January 12th, 2024, the attacker of Yuki Sakuraba was found dead in his apartment, with a damaged golden crescent upon his forehead:

Analysis of the crescent by Megan O`Cain revealed it was a genuine moon crescent DNA matched to a minor member of the Lunar Royal Family / court that perished when the Silver Millennium Fell. Record indicated that the Lunar family was quite large, with many cousins and branch family members sharing the bloodline and serving in the court, all of whom were minor functionaries that toiled in obscurity, names lost to history.
Chateaux pointed out that Queen Serenity sent more than just the Sailor Senshi and Princess Serenity to the future, and that it was more than likely she tried to save everyone she could, including everyone in the court.
This led to the realization that some people may have begin reawakening to their past life memories for some reason, leading to the ersatz Silver Millennium regalia. And if these people were in fact the backbone of the Golden Crescent, then they might be opposed to anything going against the historical truth of the Silver Millennium, hence the attack on the apocryphal Sailor V production.
Not much more was known about the organization until May the 4th, 2024 when they went public.
To Heal, or to Hurt?
The group seemed to be split into two factions - one that wanted to legitimately perform charitable works in the world in the spirit of the Silver Millennium and another that wanted to metaphorically "turn back the clock" and return the world to the state it was at the height of the Silver Millennium, ruled by the Lunar Royal family with the governments of the world abolished and existing social order overthrown.
The more hostile arm of the Golden Crescent created and deployed a new class of monster called Shambles, who were created by irreversibly genetically engineering kidnap victims into a form of proto-senshi using "Dust" - the ground-up remains of Sailor Crystals. It truend out the Shambles were an intermediate step in the evolution of humans into almost perfect versions of Sailor Senshi.
After a raid on one of their factories on June 8th, 2024, the militant arm of the faction went completely silent. But Detective Ema Skye believes that silence won't last forever...