Yukari Yakumo

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Yukari Yakumo
Biographical information

alternate Earth


Youkai of Boundaries, Warden of Gensokyo


The Border Hag, The Border of Fantasy, The Source of Spiriting Away, That Annoying Narcoleptic Bitch

Physical description




Hair color
Eye color

no set weapons, just whatever she pulls out of a wormhole


magic, manipulation of boundaries and conceptual boundaries, can create wormholes


Gensokyo, Van Saar Federation, Inu-Kitsune, Solarchos

First Appearance

Without a doubt, Yukari is one of the most well-known and immediately recognized beings within the strange dimensional refuge/enclave known as Gensokyo. Gensokyo was her creation way back in the mid-1800's (during the Tokugawa period of Japan) and since that day she's existed as its warden and caretaker. Very little comes into or out of the dimensional barrier encasing the land without Yukari's permission, and everyone knows her by sight (Human and Youkai alike). Everyone's actual opinion of her varies. She is estimated to be over 1200 years old; appears to be about 17 or 18.

Character and Personality

Yukari is by far one of the most eccentric and weird people in all of Gensokyo. Her power is vast, equivalent to most gods. However, she rarely ever uses her powers to the maximum in a fight, deliberately drawing things out as if for her own amusement. Most of her opponents feel as if she's actually toying with them. Several people have managed (one way or another) to gain her favorable attention on a regular basis, in which case Yukari acts almost like a patron or ally. This is a little double-edged, for while Yukari is a tremendously powerful person to have on your side, her sense of humor is extremely weird and she finds it hilarious to play little pranks such as opening a rift directly over your dinner table, reaching through, and swiping away the food you're about to eat directly in front of your face. Or reaching through a rift and groping certain shrine-maidens. Her pranks are never actually dangerous or harmful, but they can be inconveniencing as hell.

Other (in)famous examples of Yukari's crazy-ass behavior are the time she was "assisting" Gensokyo's "usual suspects/defenders" by actually singing her way from battle to battle, stealing everyone's alcohol, even right from the altar of a shrine. But this was all part of her grand strategy to save the day...somehow. She's never elaborated on just what that strategy was actually supposed to be though.


Her past is equally colorful. A thousand years ago Yukari led a massive army of Youkai in an invasion of the Lunar Capitol that was thwarted. Since that day, no Youkai have ever attempted anything similar. There are many who believe that Yukari deliberately lost the battle in order to teach the Youkai an important lesson about starting wars of conquest; namely that it's a really bad idea.

Role in Gensokyo


For all her antics, Yukari is very much a mastermind of sorts. Everything she does in Gensokyo, from whom she abducts from the Outside world to maintaining the nearly 4-to-1 female-to-male ratio amongst the Human population, is in accordance to some kind of long-term plan she has. Her knowledge is vast, and overall her intelligence is exceptional. She may act like an unreliable flake, but if Gensokyo is ever in real danger, or the people she truly cares about are threatened, she ditz act ends and she gets serious. Just not during the hours when the sun is up. Yukari is not narcoleptic as some people say, but nocturnal: she's fully awake during the nighttime hours (most of the time that is), but instantly falls into a deep sleep the moment the sun rises. She also hibernates during the winter months, not awakening until sometime around the beginning of February.

Strangely enough, in the world outside of Gensokyo, there is a young woman named Maribel Han, who has blond hair and a distinct liking for wearing mop-hats, who is fully awake during the daytime and instantly falls asleep the moment the sun sets. She's dreamed of a strange fantasy world called "Gensokyo" on more than one occasion...

Interaction with the Langister Household

Yukari and Her "Killer Angel"

Ever since the "Gensokyo Incident" back in early 2002, Yukari has been covertly intervening in Solarchos' life. She assisted him secretly during the Unmei Wars and was physically present when Alexianna and AnTilZha were born. She held Catriona and Sylvester when they drew their first breaths. Even during the Zealot War, she assisted Solarchos and his family during that conflict. For the last ten years she has been a covert ally of his, assisting him from the shadows while he remained completely oblivious to her involvement, all in accordance with a promise that Morrigan Aensland had made.

Overall, Yukari regards Solarchos as something akin to a favored pet or highly-valued servant: his name is still remembered in Gensokyo, and the Onryo, Yukari's "Killer Angel," is still regarded with equal parts reverence and trepidation as "The Dark Angel of Death."

Inu-Kit and the Kits

Yukari has been a friend of Inu-Kit Amestris-Langister for years now. The two frequently visit one another and have often talked of many things all night long. Solarchos' and Inu-Kit's children are especially welcome in Yukari's home. In fact, during the worst days of the Zealot War Yukari brought them to her home in Gensokyo in order to guarantee their safety. The Kits instantly fell in love with Yukari (or "Auntie Umbrella" or "Yoo-kaa-eee") and her other servants ("Nine-tails" and "CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!"). Yukari dotes upon the Kits whenever she can, especially Alexianna, whom she's given the nickname of "The Boundless Exuberance of Youth" for her nigh-inexhaustible energy.


Morrigan is regarded in much the same way as Solarchos: as a highly competent and useful agent or servant who helps keep an eye on her precious "Killer Angel." With the Zealot War at last finished, the biotoxin that rendered Solarchos an unwilling exile from Gensokyo for a decade at last neutralized, and the temporal barriers surrounding Unmei/Egae and Gurhal dropped, Yukari has decided the time is right to investigate this new place called The Hotel.