The Muses

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The Muses are Greek goddesses of the arts, creativity, and imagination. There are two groups: The Boeotian muses who work directly for Athena with those she specifically chooses, and the 9 later classical muses, who are free to go about and inspire where they please, so long as they don't go outside of Athena's guidelines.

The Boeotian Muses

Originating from Boeotia in the early vestiges of history. They are 3: Aoide (song), Melete (thought/practice), and Mneme (memory). All three appear to be teenage girls and act like it most of the time, especially when together. They often refer to themselves in relation to the whole even when alone, and live in one of the large villa complexes on Mount Olympus. Played by zaira/firefly.



An African girl with dark skin and tightly curled hair, Aoide is the muse of song, and has a dynamic, mesmerizing voice even when simply speaking. She is the most free spirited of the three, and usually doesn't just walk wherever she's going.



A Caucasian girl with tanned skin and brown hair, often highlighted from being out side. Melete means "to ponder" or "contemplation," and is the muse of thought and meditation. She's also associated with practice and occasion. She is an athletic girl who enjoys being outside, participating in or watching sports and competitions. With other things, though, she's usually the most laid back of the three sisters.



An Asian girl with fair skin and smooth, dark hair, Mneme is the muse of memory. When not quiet and contemplative, she can be the most dramatic and theatrical of the three sisters.

The Classical Muses

These 9 muses are all the daughters of Mneme, with various other deities. They roam about the world as they please, inspiring whom they will. When visiting Olympus, they stay in the guest quarters. Played by Ultramatt.

They are:

  • Calliope (epic poetry)
  • Clio (history)
  • Erato (love poetry)
  • Euterpe (music, song, and lyric poetry)
  • Melpomene (tragedy)
  • Polyhymnia (hymns)
  • Terpsichore (dance)
  • Thalia (comedy)
  • Urania (astronomy)