The Hotel, Extras

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This page documents all the extra little things in the hotel. This will also now include the upgrades made by the Residents.

  • Each floor has a vending machine, including the Lobby
  • AnTilZha has hand-drawn a large picture on one of the walls of the Lobby, showing Noriko standing and posing like Haruhi Suzumiya while Paisley, Vermellia Rosso, Sakura Xadium Aino, and Gemini Sunrise kneel around her with their arms outstretched towards her. His work turned out to be surprisingly skilled for someone not even eight years old.
  • Solarchos has taken the liberty installing first aid stations on each floor of the Hotel. Each first aid station consists of a large cabinet containing a goodly amount of bandages, a trauma kit, a supply of Enhanced Bandages, and an AED unit. Knowing the residents the contents of the first aid stations will have to be checked and restocked on a regular basis...
  • Solarchos has assigned a full platoon (a command squad and six full ten-person squads) of Van Saar combat engineers on the premises to handle inspections, reinforcements, and repairs to the Hotel. None of them are novices and all of them have at least some combat experience.
  • AnTilZha has completed another well-drawn picture on the walls of the Lobby. This one shows an SD (Super-Deformed) version of Vermellia X. Rosso dancing and holding hands with a bunch of Prinnies.
  • Morrigan has upgraded the Hotel's computer defenses by uploading over ten thousand Tanar'ri Alpha-grade AI infodrones into the mainframe. Alpha-grade infodrones are simple (by Tanar'ri standards) AI constructs that are incredibly cheap, easily built, and very expendible. The infodrones will basically act like ablative armor for the Hotel's computer systems, sacrificing themselves to deflect and blunt cyber-attacks in order to protect and preserve core functions.