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The Starseed

According to legend, at the center of each galaxy there is a cauldron which emits starseeds—the basic stuff of life. Every living thing is said to possess one, and upon their death, their starseed returns to the cauldron to be re-absorbed and sent out into the universe again to be reborn in a new body. But what is this seed of life?

Really, the human body generates a biolelectric charge which helps transmit information back and forth through the human brain and the various nerves and muscles throughout the body. This life force normally exists as a dispersed energy field which can be detected as ki, and sometimes lingers after the death of the body as a spiritual imprint, or even a ghost. This energy, at least at a base level, is imparted to newly forming life by the dissolving of a starseed into the body at conception. This force remains dispersed through the body of the growing individual, recording and storing the overall essence of the individual. It is taken from including all their memories and experiences. Thus, those like Sailor Galaxia, who know how, can extract the starseed of an individual, and thus their essence, by forcing their bioelectric energy to undergo an energy-to-matter conversion, taking this elemental life force and converting it to a sold corporeal form.

Every world has trillions and trillions of starseeds around it, drawn to their gravity wells as they pass by in interstellar space on their journey from Galaxy Cauldron. Together, they suffuse their planetary bodies with energy and form an overall life force for the planet, a gaia, if you will, and they permit a kind of low-level connection between all the life forms on a planet. The energies of each starseed resonate at a slightly different quantum frequencies, and thus never accidentally intermingle. They are drawn to bodies with similar vibrations. Sometimes, however, starseeds can split, thus allowing the formation of closely linked identical twins. Cloning may also forcibly split a starseed, as its vibrations will be tied to the bodily material it inhabits.


Partially removing a starseed from a body renders it zombie-like. Without the bulk of its essence and memories, it becomes a sad parody of its former self, acting more on id than reason. The technical term for these types of beings are phages. Phages have been known to live for years since their connection to their starseed is still present.

Death and Starseeds

Totally removing a starseed from a life form will kill it. Starseeds usually leave the body at death, unless a traumatic event shatters the seed and prevents it from reforming, in which case a ghost or psychic imprint may result. The essense and memory of the individual are stored in the energy patterns of the starseed, in what psychics call the akashic record of the soul. These patterns are maintained even when the starseed enters a new lifeform; thus people can remember their past lives. With each successive transfer of a starseed ,their energy structure becomes more complex and dense, since the life experiences of each host fortify and strengthen it.


There are several documented cases where starseeds have been turned into Sailor Crystals, but the process has been lost to history. It is unknown what will happen when these upgraded starseeds return to the cauldron.

The Witches 5 were looking for pure hearts (starseeds) in order to find the Talismans, which would release the Holy Grail. Similarly, Sailor Galaxia sought to capture high-energy starseeds (sailor crystals) so that she could rule the universe without opposition.