Cressida Sumire Xadium-Aino

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Cressida Sumire Xadium-Aino
Biographical information

Venus(In universe Earth 1337-B)

Birth 09/28/5087
Family Sakura Xadium Aino (mother), Ichiro Oogami (father) Doctor Xadium (Grandfather), Kaioh Michiru (Niece)

Agent of The Shadow Proclamation



Physical description




Hair color


Eye color

Light Purple




Her fists


converting impact damage to offensive force


The Shadow Proclamation

First Appearance

August 20th, 2014

Xadium-Aino Clan

"You are a child of two universes. A child of Venus. Of Earth. Of Gallifrey. Your story hasn't even started yet." - Lady Ishtar

Brief Biography

The child of Sakura Xadium Aino and Ichiro Oogami, she and hails from the 51st Century Time Zone. A former Time Agent, she works for The Shadow Proclamation as a liaison to the Crystal Millennium and is a childhood friend and almost-sibling to Vermellia X. Rosso. As of 2014, she is 29 years old in relative terms.

Cressida was born to Sakura at the point in Sakura's personal timeline after Sakura had left the 58th century for the 21st and then spent the intervening centuries safely out of her past self's way on an obscure Terran colony on the far reaches of the Human Empire, and as such knew nothing of Earth, Gallifrey or Venus. She was raised as a human, but the demonstration of some of her metahuman abilities required Sakura to school her in the art of Iron Soul combat. Along the way she was told many stories of the happy times Sakura had had in the 21st century, and she was determined to be a hero like her mother.

At the age of 16, she encountered a Time Agent and took over his investigation after he had been killed in the line of duty protecting her. This impressed the agency and they took her on despite her youth. In truth, the Agency hoped to steal the secrets of the Time Lords from her mother, but they were never able to make good on their designs due to Sakura's cunning.

Cressida took it upon herself to prevent the Tairon War that ravaged Earth 1337-B, and so created a condition where her own personal timeline would change, the historical conditions leading to her upbringing on the edge of Imperium Space changing. In order to prevent her timeline from catching up with her, she's elected to stay in the past, never going back to the 51st century. She doesn't mind it so much, as she knows her mom and dad can come see her anytime, even if she's not exactly the girl they remember.


Cressida's unique heritage has given her the ability to take any form of kinetic physical impact and store or redirect it into offensive force. The more she is physically beaten, the stronger she gets. There are upper limits to this-- if the impact is too great, the shockwave gets disbursed around her as a kind of a "pressure release" which can endanger those around her, as well as her surroundings.

She does NOT have Venusian metal control, or Time Lord regeneration or mental abilities. She is as strong as a Sailor Senshi at her base, and her upper limit is currently unknown (but it must be unlocked through constant combat, and decreases as her adrenalin and the absorbed impact energy decreases). She is slightly Time Sensitive, and can pass through mild anomalies unaffected, but is susceptible to larger ones. She believes her Sailor Senshi power is manifesting in a completely different way than other Venus senshi of the past.

An excellent fighter, she is a student of Iron Soul specializing in non-ki combat abilities, mainly focusing on Haki. (Observation and Armament)

The more one hits or is hit by Cressida, the stronger and more durable she becomes, to the point of nigh-invulnerability. The key to defeating her in battle, therefore, is to dodge her attacks so her power remains more or less at its base, and then striking once with enough force to knock her out in one blow. This, of course, assumes you make a strike capable of knocking out a sailor senshi in one blow, but it is possible.


A bit serious but willing to cut loose whenever she can, Cressida has the stoicism and iron will of her father, and the zaniness of her mother (to a degree), as well as a bit of a narcissistic view of herself. She is also a vegan due to having seen factory farming videos online as a tot.


Her fists, which she protects with Kinamantine Gauntlets. The gauntlets take the newtonian backlash to the force of her punches and channel them forwards again as firey shots.


  • Her parentage crosses dimensions, with Sakura being from 1337-B and Oogami being from 1337-A. This does have an effect on her physiognomy and perceptions, but exactly what it is is unknown. Lady Ishtar is convinced she contains a vast power waiting to be unleashed.
  • She is from a Time Period wherein the Crystal Millennium is composed of 14 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Quinox, New Kantek, Nemesis, Luna, and the Kuiper Amalgamation.
  • She can play the violin at a very high level, though she is not a master. She was taught by Michiru.
  • She is a very fast reader.
  • Due to her father's tendency around women, Cressida is genetically the aunt of Michiru.