The Twilight Crisis
A mini-crisis in Time and Space that was the prelude for the Nightfall Incident.
[15:44] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> After [Solarchos] left. (she said putting it politely)
[15:45] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> things were stable for a while.
[15:45] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Then something happened the details of which I can't be arsed to look up.
[15:45] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Someone physical manifestations of the seven sins showed up.
[15:45] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> ^somehow
[15:45] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Now most of these were dealt with and dispersed on their own accord.
[15:46] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> But one survived: Lust.
[15:46] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> It made its way around hopping from one person's head to the next
[15:47] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> It made its way to Shaldra and she did her best to contain it, but this failed (now I may be getting the order of events mixed up here)
[15:47] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Yaijinden had a heart to heart with it and determiend that above all else it wanted to survive
[15:47] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> So he gave it a body, and named it "Mania"
[15:48] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> After the Greek Deity.
[15:48] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> From there it began humping everything possiblr and growing in power. Seriously, orgies all over the damn place.
[15:48] <Solarchos> This must have still been during the Exile, yes?
[15:48] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> The records indicate that it was sta---
[15:49] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> ♦ [15:44] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> After you... left. (she said putting it politely)
[15:49] <Solarchos> You don't have to mince words, Paisley. :P
[15:49] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> --the records indicated that it starting infecting lots of people, making them do unseemly things.
[15:49] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Like Sex Brigade 2.0 level s[BLEEP]te.
[15:50] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Finally things came to a head (possibly metaphorically and literally) and something happened.
[15:50] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> This we aren't clear on. It's not in the records. no one remembers properly. Those who could ahve retained the kknoledgwe fully were away.
[15:51] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> But there was a... for want of a better term, "Soft Crisis"
[15:51] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> The unvierse changed. Some timelines suddenly aborted. Others carried on. Shaldra was scattered to the time winds and ripped apart.
[15:52] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Noriko only survived by dint of's gift to her in the form of Vindicator.
[15:52] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> Xadium was left of a f[BLEEP]king wreck with no knowledge of exactly what happened.
[15:52] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> And Mania was gone.
[15:53] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> And that's where the universe stood.
[15:53] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> And as with any good temporal cluterf[BLEEP]k some of these things happened earlier or later in sequence.
[15:53] <Paisley Pythia Peinforte> There's no "bright line" of "today, everything changed".