Taro Senshi
Taro Senshi are a group of senshi employed by Sailor Galaxia at one point during her hunt for star-seeds. Two of these senshi were "rumored" to have encountered the Inners and Outer senshi, while the other three fought against Sailor Quinox in the United States. Their current status is listed below.
Sailor Platinum Banshee
Human Name: Sara MacDonall
Home Planet: Lorelei
Current Status: Video Editor, Ginga Televison
Powers: Will'O'Wisp Burst, Banshee Scream, Nucklavee Crush, Galacatic Scream, Galacatic Shade
Sailor Stone Golem
Human Name: Mika Markov
Home Planet: Homancula
Current Status: Pro-Wrestler
Power: Limestone Tackle, Destruct Punch, Avalanche Surpise, Golem Headbutt, Galacatic Smash, Galacatic Destroyer
Sailor Steel Serpent
Human Name: Tara Simmura
Home Planet: Naga
Current Status: Hairdresser, Tokyo
Power: Venom Bite, Boa Squeeze, Serpent Scarch, (formally) Galacatic Crystal Blast, Galacatic Venom
Sailor Pewter Fox
Human Form: Kitsune Tetsua
Home Planet: Vulpa
Current Status: Film actor
Power: Fox Strike, Metal Claw, Fox Illusion, Galactica Mirage, Galactica Twister
Sailor Titanium Kerokko
Human Name: Sayuri Kaerushi
Home Planet: Lilly
Current Status: In Japan, Chasing after Mototki
Power: Kerokko Bubbles, Frog Leap, Galacatic Fog, Galacatic Twister