The Silver Millennium (era)
The Silver Millennium is the occult name for the historical era of the Sol system spanning from 20300 BCE to 8102 BCE. Little remains of this hidden period of time when Humanity and the Selenite peoples reigned in supremacy. Those who are "in the know" are seldom credited for the information and artifacts they uncover from this time, as it conflicts starkly with conventional/modern anthropology's understanding of the Mesolithic era.
Matsuo Shin is the premiere archaeologist of this hidden history. Some excerpts from his historiography can be found here.
Gaps in the timeline here should not be interpreted as 'nothing of interest happens'. Sapient beings throughout the galaxy are notorious for their capacity to create works of beauty, works of violence, and even the works of everyday living. The worst atrocities and the most captivating art can eventually pass beyond the ability of archaeology or history to recall. Rather, gaps in the historiography presented here should be interpreted as 'no data is available to mark the struggles and conflicts of the day'.
See the Talk page for a necessary disclaimer on all assertions made in this article.
Inception -- the End of the Selenos Dynasty
Common reckoning establishes the Silver Millennium with the arrival of the Selenos dynasty-in-exile in the year 20300 BCE. Their initial intention was to settle the principle water-bearing world their observations had picked up from afar. They were forced to postpone this, however, when their in-system observation revealed that attempting to settle Earth would be a perilous beginning. The planet was inhabited by two primitive species: the Youma and the Humans, both of whom possessed the ancestral taint of Chaos. More worryingly, evidence was found that these two races were only the most recent inheritors of the planet; relics and ruins were found belonging to substantially older species and cultures, none of which would be friendly to the Selenos. Ultimately, the decision was made to settle on Earth's satellite, both as a hope for the future and so to closely monitor Earth for any signs that old dangers might awaken, Lunarius Aeterna becoming their capital. Subsequent Selenos observation of the greater solar system revealed that two of the many planet-sized objects already inhabited by sophisticated cultures.
Mars, the (at-the-time) third world in orbit of Sol, was inhabited by the reptilian Galadorians. The predominant Galadorian culture prized sophisticated engineering and living in harmony with their environment, keeping to the colder places of their world to maintain its ecosystems. They initially rebuffed contact with the Selenites, believing the aliens to be a passing phenomenon who would withdraw when they found the world unsuitable for their habitation. Only after the Selenites had initiated a terraforming project that would change the planet as a whole did the Galadorians attempt to press their case. While the Dynasty agreed to halt the process, its leaders refused to reverse any work done, as Selenite colonists were already beginning to lay the groundwork for settlement. This ultimately forced the Galadorians into a significantly-restricted living space, and sparked a grudge that would outlive the Dynasty.
The Saturnians, inhabiting the (at-the-time) sixth planet, were a hardy, physically powerful if short-lived species, whose cultures were largely caught in cycles of rise and fall between Bronze and Iron Age technology and social organization due to the functionally perpetual war they fought against the deadly flora and fauna of the swampy world. Selenite observers learned that the Saturnians were both biologically and spiritually bound to their home planet, but could theoretically be tapped as a source of future growth, and earmarked this population for later integration into Selenos society as a client state.
On 20172 BCE, the Selenos government determined that their enemies have not followed them to their new home. The last Queen Selenos names her daughter Selenity I, formally burying their dynasty's connections to their interstellar ancestors. Their colony on Earth's moon was secure, and the Dynasty could now safely consider the future. The many uninhabited worlds were earmarked for colonization, exploitation, and settlement. Importantly, the Selenite Dynasty decided to subtly influence the evolution of Humans to more closely approximate the Selenite physical and psychological norm (a process commonly referred to as Uplifting by modern sci-fi buffs), possibly to gain the assistance of a client species, but also to ensure that the forerunners slumbering on Earth stayed that way.
Flourishing -- the Selenity Dynasty
In the year 19500 BCE, Selenite astronomers observed the rapid approach of a rogue planet into the Sol system, where over the next several decades the molten, rocky world distorted the rotation of the planet Uranus before settling into an orbit between the planet Earth and Mercury. Against all plausibility, Selenite sages detected a sensed a tremendously powerful spirit presence on the hostile surface of the world, which spurred a full planetary investigation led directly by Selenity I. Under her guidance, they soon located spirit presence's origin: a half-feral young woman, possessed of an active Sailor Crystal and living in a sea of molten gold, who emerged to aggressively chase the invaders out. Remarkably, when Selenity I drew on the power of the Ginzuishou to defend the team, the woman calmed, and allowed Selenity to take her to the Selenite settlement on the Moon. The girl was adopted as a fellow royal, and mentored to help lead the world when its colony was prepared.
Quinox, though inhabited by an established culture for thousands of years before the Selenos arrival in Sol, was shrouded by The Six, the protector-gods venerated by the Quinoxian people. This stasis was broken in 19166 BCE, when Neptunian seers received a vision of a mysterious crystal, hovering over an until-then undiscovered world near the Oort cloud. While first contact with the Quinoxians briefly escalated into open war on Quinox itself, the locals prevailed in their armed conflict, and Saturnian mediators helped pave the way for Quinox to accept membership in the Seleano
By 19103 BCE, Selenite outposts had been established on most of the major worlds of Sol: Mercury, Venus, Mondas, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus, and colonies were being prepared to exploit these worlds' natural resources. Saturn and Quinox were generally treated as peer states by the Selenites, though both of those worlds sometimes had more to do with one another than with the rest of the Selenity kingdoms. The Galadorians remained mostly isolationist, but nominally part of the confederacy. Earth remained a natural protectorate of the Selenity dynasty, uninhabited by Selenite colonists.
The year 13560 BCE saw the announcement by Selenity VII that their Uplift program had met with success, and that the new Human species had begun to practice agriculture to keep up with their increasing ability to exploit their environment. This news was met with horror from Selenites across the kingdoms who had either forgotten about or dismissed the Humans as thoughtless animals. Deeply concerned by this turn of events, the Lunarian council advising the queen demanded the Human population be monitored with utmost vigilance and restricted from leaving Earth, restrictions that Selenity VII agreed to institute. For centuries after, for all their new resemblance to the Selenite species, the Humans were still seen as an inferior race, ultimately subservient to their creators.